Larry's products for success at work and in life.

Transform Your Thinking in 28 Days

We have to think BIG if we’re going to Transform the World. GOD is commanding me to multiply myself, as CHRIST multiplied Himself through the Twelve Apostles. GOD has given the Bishop a Mandate to globally, spiritually and Apostolically Revolutionize your thinking through the Church of JESUS CHRIST (The Messianic Community).

Comprehending the State of The Human Condition Book 3

Book Three is a Teaching Resource Material specifically designed for The Bishop Larry Gaiters Global Spiritual Revolution Study Groups. This text book is also ideal for those who wish to use it for personal studies, and is a great discussion point within family groups.

Comprehending the State of The Human Condition: Leader - Student 1

This Manual is Module 20 – Volume 6: Comprehending the State of The Human Condition. This Global MasterClass was Streamed Live on the 23rd of November 2020. Bishop Larry Gaiters is the Original Author of this “Leader- Student Book One”. This book is written specifically for The Global Spiritual Revolution Study Groups.

Comprehending the State of The Human Condition Book 2

In this manual, the Bishop’s teaching is divided up into titled subsections which also appear in the Contents Page. Each subsection can be used by both the leader and the student, as a foundation for further studies. Another great thing about having subsections is that they allow you to locate and isolate a new idea so that your thinking can be transformed through meditating, retaining and assimilating one section at a time.